Other Special Symbols

Original article: CeVIO AI ユーザーズガイド ┃ その他の特殊な記号

CeVIO AI produces highly accurate Song Voices by learning from recorded data that's been labelled with the characteristic singing style of each voice provider. For some Song Voices, adding labelling symbols to the lyrics can enhance the unique characteristics of the voice, in addition to using falsetto.

Cast Full-width
Half-width $
Half-width @
Half-width ^
Half-width %
Sato Sasara Falsetto
KAFU Falsetto Trembling Whisper
Yuzuki Yukari Rei Falsetto
Tohoku Kiritan Falsetto
IA Falsetto Bounce-up pitch Relax
IA (ENG) Falsetto
ONE Falsetto
Tohoku Zunko Falsetto Bounce-up pitch
Tohoku Itako Falsetto Bounce-up pitch
Suzuki Tsudumi Falsetto
SEKAI Falsetto Bounce-up pitch Trembling Irritation
RIME Falsetto Bounce-up pitch Trembling Irritation
#kzn Falsetto
COKO Falsetto Bounce-up pitch Roughness Irritation
Kanato Mell Falsetto Roughness Trembling
Futaba Minato Falsetto Bounce-up pitch Breathe out
Ci flower Falsetto Bounce-up pitch Roughness
POPY Falsetto Bounce-up pitch Whisper Head fall
ROSE Falsetto Irritation Whisper
Reml Falsetto Bounce-up pitch Breathe out

* The level of difficulty in showcasing certain characteristics can vary depending on factors such as the cast, lyrics, and pitch.

* As the purpose of this mechanism is to enhance learning accuracy, there may be instances where the characteristics are not present.

* It's possible for inputting symbols to induce changes in the synthesized voice, even when the characteristics have not been defined (i.e. the field is empty).

Last update: November 23, 2023
Created: November 23, 2023