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Used as a COM Component

Original article: CeVIO AI ユーザーズガイド ┃ COMコンポーネントとして利用

Interface for programming with C++, VBScript, etc.

The dedicated API allows detailed control of emotions and conditions.

API Specification

// Provide the Talk function.
interface ITalker2V40
    uint Volume { get; set; }
    // Get or set volume (0~100).

    uint Speed { get; set; }
    // Get or set speed (0~100)

    uint Tone { get; set; }
    // Get or set pitch (0~100).

    uint ToneScale { get; set; }
    // Get or set intonation (0~100).

    uint Alpha { get; set; }
    // Get or set alpha (0~100).

    ITalkerComponentArray2 Components { get; }
    // Get the emotion parameters of current cast.
    // Annotation:
    //  The parameters depending on the Cast.
    //  example 1『さとうささら』→ "普通", "元気", "怒り", "哀しみ"
    //  example 2『小春六花』→ "嬉しい", "普通", "怒り", "哀しみ", "落ち着き"
    // Attention: 
    //  When using smart pointer in Visual C++ environment, this type is replaced by the following type.
    //  ITalkerComponentArray2Ptr

    string Cast { get; set; }
    // Get or set the cast.

    IStringArray AvailableCasts { get; }
    // Get the available casts.
    // Annotation:
    //  The available casts depend on the installed voices.
    // Attention:
    //  When using smart pointer in Visual C++ environment, this type is replaced by the following type.
    //  IStringArray2Ptr

    ISpeakingState2 Speak(string text);
    // Play the specified line.
    // Parameters:
    //  text - line.
    // Return value:
    //  An object representing the playback state.
    // Annotation:
    //  The process returns without waiting for the end of playback.
    //  To wait for the end of playback, call Wait of the return value (ISpeakingState2).
    // Attention:
    //  When using smart pointer in Visual C++ environment, this type is replaced by the following type.
    //  ISpeakingState2Ptr

    bool Stop();
    // Stop playback.
    // Return value:
    //  true if succeed. false otherwise.

    double GetTextDuration(string text);
    // Get the length of the specified line.
    // Parameters:
    //  text - line.
    // Return value:
    //  Length. Unit is seconds.

    IPhonemeDataArray2 GetPhonemes(string text);
    // Get phoneme unit data of the specified line.
    // Parameters:
    //  text - line.
    // Return value:
    //  Phoneme unit data.
    // Annotation:
    //  Can be used for lip sinks, etc.
    // Attention:
    //  When using smart pointer in Visual C++ environment, this type is replaced by the following type.
    //  IPhonemeDataArray2Ptr

    bool OutputWaveToFile(string text, string path);
    // Output the specified line to a wav file.
    // Parameters:
    //  text - line.
    //  path - path to be outputted.
    // Return value:
    //  true if succeed. false otherwise.
    // Annotation:
    //  The output format is sampling rate 48kHz, bit rate 16bit, mono.

// An object representing the cast's emotion parameter map.
interface ITalkerComponentArray2
    int Length { get; }
    // Get the number of parameters.

    ITalkerComponent2 At(int index) { get; }
    // Access the parameter at specified location index.
    // Parameters:
    //  index - index.
    // Return value:
    //  parameter.

    ITalkerComponent2 ByName(string name) { get; }
    // Access the parameter with the specified name.
    // Parameters:
    //  name - name.
    // Return value:
    //  parameter.

    ITalkerComponentArray2 Duplicate();
    // Copy the array.
    // Return value:
    //  The index of the copied array.

// The object of emotion parameters unit.
interface ITalkerComponent2
    string Id { get; }
    // Get the identifier.

    string Name { get; }
    // Get the name of emotion. (Character code is Unicode)

    uint Value { get; set; }
    // Get or set the value of an emotion (0~100).

// The object representing of playback status.
interface ISpeakingState2
    bool IsCompleted { get; }
    // Get the playback status (whether or not playback is completed).
    // true if completed. false otherwise (failures included).

    bool IsSucceeded { get; }
    // Get the playback status (whether or not playback is succeed).
    // true if succeed. false otherwise.

    void Wait();
    // Wait for the end of playback.

    void Wait_2(double timeout);
    // Wait for the end of playback.
    // Parameters:
    //  timeout - Maximum standby time. Unit is seconds. (Smaller than 0 means unlimited)

// The object representing the array of phoneme data.
interface IPhonemeDataArray2
    int Length { get; }
    // Get the number of elements.

    IPhonemeData2 At(int index);
    // Access the element at specified location index.
    // Parameters:
    //  index - index.
    // Return value:
    //  element.

    IPhonemeDataArray2 Duplicate();
    // Copy the array.
    // Return value:
    //  The index of the copied array.

// The object representing the unit of phoneme data.
interface IPhonemeData2
    string Phoneme { get; }
    // Get the phoneme.

    double StartTime { get; }
    // Get the start time. Unit is seconds.

    double EndTime { get; }
    // Get the end time. Unit is seconds.

// The object representing the array of string.
interface IStringArray2
    int Length { get; }
    // Get the number of elements.

    string At(int index);
    // Parameters:
    //  index - index.
    // Return value:
    //  element.

    IStringArray2 Duplicate();
    // Copy the array.
    // Return value:
    //  The index of the copied array.

// Provide the control function of [CeVIO AI].
interface IServiceControl2V40
    string HostVersion { get; }
    // Get the version of [CeVIO Creative Studio](1).

    string InterfaceVersion { get; }
    // Get the version of this interface.

    static bool IsHostStarted { get; }
    // Get the status whether or not [CeVIO Creative Studio] can be accessed.

    int StartHost(bool noWait);
    // Start [CeVIO Creative Studio]. Do nothing if it is already started.
    // Parameters:
    //  noWait - true means startup only. IsHostStarted checks if it is accessible or not.
    //       false does not return control until it is accessible externally after startup.
    // Return value:
    //   0:Success. This includes the case when it has already been started.
    //  -1:Unknown installation status.
    //  -2:Can't find the executable file.
    //  -3:Failed to start process.
    //  -4:Application terminates due to an error after startup.

    void CloseHost(int mode);
    // Request [CeVIO Creative Studio] to exit.
    // Parameters:
    //  mode - handle mode.
    //   0:When [CeVIO AI] is editing, it is able to save or cancel the end of the editing process.
  1. Original text. Same below.

Sample Project

// Import type library 
// * This type library is registered when installing [CeVIO AI].
#import "libid:7E3B8901-0A65-44A0-9A9A-5F9F822D0716" 
    named_guids rename_namespace("CeVIO")

int main()
    // Initialize COM

    // Create ServiceControl instance
    CeVIO::IServiceControl2V40* pServiceControl;
    HRESULT result0 = ::CoCreateInstance(CeVIO::CLSID_ServiceControl2V40,
    if (FAILED(result0)) {
        // Failed
        return 0;

    // Start CeVIO AI up

    // Create Talker instance
    CeVIO::ITalker2V40* pTalker;
    HRESULT result1 = ::CoCreateInstance(CeVIO::CLSID_Talker2V40,
    if (FAILED(result1)) {
        // Failed
        return 0;

    // Set the cast
    pTalker->Cast = "さとうささら";

    // (Example) set the volume
    pTalker->Volume = 100;

    // (Example) set the intonation
    pTalker->ToneScale = 100;

    // (Example) playback
    CeVIO::ISpeakingState2Ptr pState = pTalker->Speak("こんにちは");

    // (Example) get the data of phonemes
    CeVIO::IPhonemeDataArray2Ptr pPhonemes = pTalker->GetPhonemes("はじめまして");

    // Release Talker

    // Close [CeVIO AI]

    // Release ServiceControl

    // End of using COM

    return 0;


The zip contains the example project above. After unzipping, load the solution in Visual Studio 2019 or later to run it.

Dim service
Set service = CreateObject("CeVIO.Talk.RemoteService2.ServiceControl2V40")

Dim talker
Set talker = CreateObject("CeVIO.Talk.RemoteService2.Talker2V40")

talker.Cast = "さとうささら"
talker.Components.ByName("普通").Value = 50
talker.Components.ByName("元気").Value = 50

Dim state
Set state = talker.Speak("さとうささらです。")

WScript.Sleep 1000

talker.ToneScale = 80
Set state = talker.Speak("スクリプトからもしゃべれます。")



The zip contains the example script above. After unzipping, load the solution in Windows Command Prompt to run it.

Last update: November 23, 2023
Created: November 23, 2023